Variety at Work - December 2019


December was an average month as far as requests for food, uniforms, shoes and baby things are concerned. We also bought a two cots and mattresses for low income single parents at the request of their Health Visitors. The total amount spent on these requests was £1,269.50.

Over and above this we bought a car which was greatly reduced, thanks to Motor Mall, for a very low income family with triplets who were born very premature. These little ones are needing constant and regular monitoring at the paediatric clinic along with regular physiotherapy to help their mobility. Enable Jersey formerly The Jersey Disabled Society made a £2,500. donation towards the car which cost £7,000. Motor Mall also sponsored a triple buggy for this family.  We are extremely grateful to Enable Jersey and to Motor Mall for their generosity.

At the request of a Health Visitor we paid for an autistic boy’s bedroom to be decorated with padded wallpaper as this young lad was hurting himself on the wall in his room.  We bought a de-humidifier for a children’s room which was extremely damp.

We have also paid £5,502. 00 for an outdoor stage and benches for Bel Royal School. 

Thanks to Joint Chief Barker Robyn Lapidus we held a very successful Christmas Party for 78 children and their families.  All the children received Christmas gifts from Santa.

The totals for the month were 19 families with 36 children amounting to £14,916. 10 and the totals for the first three months of this financial year is 62 families with 134 children amounting to £21,927. 61.

As we look forward to a new decade we must resolve to make and take every opportunity we can to raise further funds if we are to meet the needs of children in Jersey. On behalf of all the families we help I must thank most sincerely the Barkers, Ladies, sponsors and donors for their kindness and generosity and wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2020.

Jeanette Pinel

Variety at Work.