Variety's Christmas Party a huge success

Variety Jersey held their annual Christmas Party again recently for over 75 deserving children, their parents and carers.

All the children were treated to delicious food by the Hotel de Normandie followed by a visit from Santa who bought fantastic gifts thanks to Bambola Toymaster.

Organizer, Barker Jeanette Pinel, said, “I would like to thank the hotel for the use of the room and the wonderful food, DJ Lummy for the great tunes and Hoops and Glitter and Mrs Muddles for the fabulous entertainment.”

“A big thank you also to the Ladies of Variety for all their help making the party such a huge success.”

Variety Jersey sponsor four JCCT Support Workers for a year

The 2024 Variety Summer Ball, which was held at the Royal

Yacht Hotel, raised funds to assist the Jersey Child Care Trust (JCCT) with 4 Support Workers.

Fiona Vacher, the JCCT's Executive Director, said...

“The money from the Ball funded 4 Support Workers to help children for a year – this is to give children with special needs a one to one support worker which is very much needed in schools. They also donated toy vouchers for parents living in poverty so that they can buy their children some Christmas Gifts. We want every child to have their best start in life and this year Variety has helped JCCT to make this happen. Thank you Sandra and your colleagues at Variety, we are forever grateful for your support.“

A big thank from Variety to everyone who supported us in making this happen.

Variety International Presidential Citation for Barker Paul Pinel


The Variety International Presidential Citation is an honour bestowed upon an unsung hero and Paul Pinel is one of Jerseys. He is a passionate Variety supporter and has made an outstanding contribution to Variety through his tireless work as an active Crew member.

Paul has been a member for nearly 20 years, having officially joined Variety in September 2004 and was elected to serve on Crew in 2017. He previously supported his parents who were both Variety members from as far back as his early teens!

Paul became Chairman of the Variety Sailing Trust in 2022, the Trust currently operates a 38 foot Catamaran which has been modified to allow disabled access. Being out on the water helps children and young people to develop independence and confidence, get out in the fresh air as well as making friends and learning new skills.

Paul is also a Trustee and Treasurer for the Gouray Youth Trust, Chairman of Variety’s part in the Simply Christmas Market and Variety’s “Webmaster”, overseeing the charities PR and social media activities.

The Chief Barker, Sandra Auckland said, “He is always willing to help and nothing is ever too much trouble. He has Variety at heart and is an exemplary Crew member.”

Paul said, “I am absolutely thrilled to receive this award. I would like to thank the wonderful Variety staff and volunteers who have supported me along the way! I would also like to say a big thank you to my fellow Variety Sailing Trust colleagues and to our wonderful volunteer Skippers and Crew who have worked so hard to ensure that hundreds of local children and young people are able to enjoy and benefit from the experience of going afloat on the fabulous Vernon Lilford Spirit of Variety”

Paul (left) is pictured receiving his award from the Bailiff of Jersey and Variety Patron, Sir Tim Le Cocq, at a recent lunch at the L'Horizon Beach Hotel & Spa.