Variety at Work in July 2019


During July, the majority of requests were for school uniforms and shoes along with some requests for food. We also supplied some baby items including 2 car seats and a baby buggy. Over and above this, at the request of Social Workers and The Bridge, we sanctioned Holiday Clubs, Theatre School and Rock Acadamy for 4 children. In each case the children were enduring various illnesses and this holiday time will be beneficial to them.

We bought bus passes for a single parent Mum with 3 children, one of which has health problems, to enable Mum to take the children out during the summer holidays. We also paid for flights to Southampton to enable a young boy, who has been very poorly, and his Mum to go over to see his favourite football team play.

The totals for the month were 44 families with 66 children amounting to £5,707. 19.

Children’s Summer Party

This was held on Sunday 7th July at the Hotel Ambassadeur. The party was a huge success, all the children had a wonderful time and all the families were very grateful.

Battle of Flowers Funfair

With many thanks to James Cole, Manager of the Funfair, on the 31st July 150 children enjoyed exclusive use of all the rides. After which we provided the usual lunch of hotdog and hamburger with chips and a drink. Katrina O’Connor who manages Mont a l’Abbe holiday club tells me that for the children this is the highlight of their holiday treats which they really look forward to. Likewise Fiona from Brighter Futures tells me for their children this is a luxury treat that they would never be able to do.